Akseli Kokkonen – Cool, cooler, Kokkonen – Other

Akseli Kokkonen – Cool, cooler, Kokkonen – Other

At the beginning of last season in Kuusamo, Finland, we spoke to Akseli Kokkonen for the first time and we have to admit, that made a great impression on us. 18-the summer Finn explained to us thoroughly, what his sporting future should look like. Above all, Kokkonen wanted to become number one in ski jumping. It took some time, though, but the goal was achieved. “From 2004 I will be able to practice ski jumping professionally. Before that, there will be the end of school and military service”, said the young Finn confidently.

December interview 2002 is here

After the Annual-Grand-Prix 2003 is already obvious, that Kokkonen's announcements from last winter weren't just junior dreams at all. It was pure definition of purpose, on which he consistently worked.
“Now” he has improved his technique tremendously since last season and he deserves it, although he is still absorbed in school, to the group of players, who are already sharpening their teeth for places at the top of the season 2003/2004.
Man, who had never smoked a cigarette or been drunk before, he has his life under control and set goals in the crosshairs, like no other in the World Cup.


First, congratulations for the victory in Predazzo and the second place in Letni- Grand Prix. you counted, going so well this year?
AND:”I only knew, that I worked hard and jumped well already during the preparations. It was clear, that if I can maintain the level of training jumps during the Grand-Prix, everything is possible. And so it was “.
In addition to training, you still have to deal with school?
AND:”So, I'm in my final year now and will be graduating soon”.
How much time does it take you to train and how do you reconcile camps with school?
AND:”normally I have 3 – 5 training on the hill once a week
and 3 – 5 different training times, such as working out at the gym, volleyball, technical training and such. Training camps are held in Lahti, so no problem over time. The Finnish championship will be held there, and then the serious preparations for the winter season begin and that's it”.
When you made your first summer jumps in Hinterzarten, all observers noticed, how have you improved your technique since last winter? You had a prescription, that you used during the last months of training?
AND:”NO, nothing special. If it was a recipe, would look like this: believe in yourself and do it, what can you do (laughter)”.
You don't need much fantasy, to tell, that the duo this summer was you and Thomas Morgenstern, and you will certainly achieve top positions also in winter. What do you think, which is Morgenstern's main strength?
AND:”I guess, that his strength, although Thomas is still very young, is within the mental range. In addition, Thomas has an above-average rebound and that is extremely important at the moment. And naturally he jumps very well technically”.
Where is the main difference between Thomas Morgenstern
and you?
AND:”Hard to say. Each of us has our own individual technique. For me the main difference is this, that Thomas is bigger than me. I am small :-)”.
You thought for once, as it was last year with the second competitor of the Summer-Grand-Prix, Clint Jones, in the winter season? (Clint Jones after a surprisingly successful summer, in winter he did not achieve any good result).
AND:”Naturally, that I thought about it, but I don't see any reason right now, that could happen to me too.
Most jumpers think so, that only in winter is important, to be in good shape. I don't believe either, that there is such a thing as a summer jumper and a winter jumper. I know only, that ski jumping is a strange sport sometimes and you have to work very hard”.
After a good jump, you showed your joy, which is unusual for the jumpers of the Finnish team.
AND:”Correct, I love to savor and enjoy my good results. Watching videos and my joy gives me great pleasure. I'm laughing at myself”.
You were number one on the Finnish team this summer. What was the reaction of your teammates??
AND:”They did it the Finnish way. There wasn't really any reaction :-))”.
How Tommi Nikunen reacted to your success?
AND:”I had a feeling, that these results fell to Tommi and Kari Pätäri. I was just surprised, that for him these results were not a surprise :-)”.
What are your goals for the coming winter??
AND:”I want to improve and achieve good results”.

Kokkonen, who, apart from learning and training, still finds time, to learn German, he already speaks the language amazingly well. His diet is dominated by oatmeal and water.
This man is a volcano of energy, he knows exactly what he wants and will strive for it in the near future.
See you at the World Cup 2003/2004.

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