Bjoern Einar Romoeren “Ski flying is not a competition – It's a pleasure”

Bjoern Einar Romoeren “Ski flying is not a competition – It's a pleasure”

Bjoern Einar Romoeren is the third player in the Norwegian national team next to Sigurd Pettersen and Roar Ljoekelsoey, who has already won the World Cup this season. With a win in Bischiofshofen and a third position in Sapporo, Romoeren stabilized his place in the top. The Norwegian talks about ski flying, world championships and the suit case. “Bjoern Einar, you said once, that you want to jump 230 meters. Ski flying is the most important thing for you?”

Roman hours: “Ski flying is better than jumping. These are not competitions, but just a pleasure. I was a bit disappointed today, because when I jumped the wind stopped blowing, speed slowed down and conditions worsened. And ski flights
with a bad wind, they no longer give any joy.” “The Norwegian team this season is very strong. Why? A new spirit has joined the team, whether it is only thanks to Mika Kojonkoski?”

Roman hours: “It is a mix of these components. It is certain, that Mika is a good trainer, but before he came to us, we all trained very well. we had everything, what we could use for training. Mika improved the technique and gave some tips. And when everyone on the team made those changes, the results came and the atmosphere was good. We work a lot on our technique. We have good equipment and people to guide us. There is also a pedagogical moment. Kojonkoski wants, that we would come to him more willingly, and he finds the right words for us.” “You're just friends, or friends?”

Roman hours: “We've always been friends. Naturally, it's much easier, if you understand each other well. I don't know, as it is in other teams, but we are happy when one of us succeeds.” “Meininger Company is to supply you with new suits…”

Roman hours: “So, we made a pair of test suits, which have a few changes. I'm not entirely sure yet, what will they give us now. It's not going so well in this regard, as we dreamed it. We've received others before, but none of us jumped better because of it. Maybe we'll have something better for the World Cup. The jumpsuit thing is a bit of an exaggeration. The Austrians jump just very well, but of course it would be interesting to test their equipment.” “What is your goal? What are your plans for the world championships in Predazzo??”

Roman hours: “We would like to achieve a good result in the team competition. Everything is going so fast. We relax after the competition, we laugh and talk, that jumping is just great fun. I've been to Japan, I went back and thought “Hello, it was no useless competition”. We want to jump, jump, jump! And that's great.” “Good result in Italy, i.e.. You're thinking about a gold medal?”

Roman hours: “So, if we do the job right, it might be a gold medal. With a bit of luck, it's definitely possible. But let's not forget, that we were only at the Olympics 9.! I think, that this time it will go a little better.”

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