Bridge - Conventions Bridge – Flannery

Bridge - Conventions Bridge – Flannery.


Flannery to bridge bidding convention by William Flannery. In the basic version of this convention, openly 2 shows five hearts and exactly four peaks in the strength of a weak opening, roughly 11-15PH (and therefore below the strength needed for the reverse). The main assumption Flannery is to avoid difficult rebid problems in sequence 1 – 1BA (if 1NT is played for forcing. An additional advantage of this convention is the quick sale of the opening hand, allowing you to quickly find fits (or misfits) and blocking enemies (although Flannery is by design a constructive convention). The main disadvantage is the relatively low frequency, with which hands suitable for opening appear Flannery. Some versions of this convention use opening 2 instead 2. There are many versions of the response schemas, the basic version looks like this:

Belt A weak hand with penalties
2/♠ For the game, fit at least two in hearts or three in spades
2BA Strong and forcing to the tip
3m Natural, non-forcing but constructive, partner should bid 3N with a Hx fit or better
3S Invitating with fit
3NT To play
4 ♣ Transfer to 4
4   Transfer on 4♠
4S Do gry

Po relayu 2BA opener bid as follows:

3♣ System 4 = 5 = 1 = 3
3   Layout 4 = 5 = 3 = 1
3   Layout 4 = 5 = 2 = 2 and 11-13PH
3 ♠ Layout 4 = 5 = 2 = 2 and 14-15PH
3BA Layout 5 = 4 = 2 = 2, 14-15PH and most of the points in the junior colors
4m Maximum and layout 5-4-4-0 with renouncement in the second minor color

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