Exercises for the abdominal muscles
Lie on your back (it can be a mattress or a soft blanket, or a soft carpet). Bring your legs together and straighten them at the knees, cross your arms under the nape of your neck. Slowly raise your leg by bending it at the knee. Raise your head and shoulder blades simultaneously. Pull your leg up to your chest, then come back to the lying position and do the same movement with the other leg.

Lie on your back (it can be a mattress or a soft blanket, or a soft carpet). Bring your legs together and bend them at the knees (the feet are fully in contact with the ground) and cross your arms under your neck. Then lift your upper body (tj. head, arms and slightly torso) with a slow motion and return to the prone position. The same exercise can be done with the torso twists (the right elbow goes to the left knee, then left elbow to right knee).
Your comments
people, it's not enough that you do them a few times!! You have to do them systematically by increasing the number of series and you have to wait for the results and not everyone would want everything immediately;p
I've been exercising for a while now and I can see my muscles flexing. It takes time to see results
THEY HELP!!! I did crunches 2 times a day(morning and evening) they did to me for a month 2 lines and became more muscular.
my dear, in order to get rid of body fat, you must generally get rid of tissue. from the whole body, and not to exercise the belly, you also need to skilfully tighten it, not to break the lifts,breathe freely,We must also remember that when we train the abdominal muscles, it is the abdominal muscles, not other muscles,diet also comes into play,genetic predisposition, last dinner at. you eat it AND OF COURSE YOUR FREEDOM FOR WORKOUT WHICH IS 20% NOOO AND WE DO IT ALL WITH THE HEART PEOPLE WITH A HEART LIKE NO IN THE HEAD AND IN THE HEART THESE THREADS FROM YOUR EXERCISES AND OUR DESCRIPTIONS, EXPLANATIONS ETC……..SO TO WORK AND WRITE WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PA FITNESS FITNESSES
I used to do 300 stomachs a day and lost 2-3 kg in a week. but the most important thing is not to eat dinner late. and drink plenty of water. 🙂
and I am lazy and I don't want to do anything, waze 130 kg and I'm fine,kisses for everyone
Just… you have / will have a diet to gain weight … So the future is dim… not only for your health, but also …heart / soul… I would not like to weigh 130 kg that they would look at me in disgust on the street .. I greet you in any case and may you be well
these exercises need to be performed systematically and the same number of times and the results will show after approx 1,05 of the week(I know this from my own experience).
I agree with the previous speakers, to see the effects, you need to be systematic and follow the rules of healthy eating, I mean, mainly, not eating too late ,not overeating with bars and, of course, one of the most important elements of water ,water and even more water !!:-) don't give up ,in some time it will become an addiction and the exercises will be pleasant and not tiring, I wish you good luck and perseverance “tummy” 😛
I don't exercise all year round and my muscles don't want to grow. My abdominal training continues 40 min.
If you train your abdominal muscles, you should have a certain time for this, you should definitely introduce an appropriate diet and exercise properly after eating. to see the effects!!!!
it's kind of weird, that you don't have any muscles, I have been exercising regularly since 2 I still have the same number of series of years and my muscles are very nicely defined, maybe you are doing the wrong exercise, or maybe you are doing it wrong in general?
I have 35 years and unfortunately the tire I am trying to get rid of. I ride the most heavily loaded stationary bike every day and fast, in addition, I do crunches and twists, a month has passed and the results are already visible, I lost almost less weight 5 kg, my sizes decreased by 1 size, I feel better and have more energy and will to live :)) I think, that it is enough to want, have your assumptions, goal and strive for it, it all depends on ourselves :)) Regards, Magdalena
nono superowskie these exercises hahahehehihihoho
Hello, I have 56 lat ,weighs 95 kg with an increase of 169 kg,-so in one word I am obese, I would like to lose weight,but I don't know what kind of exercises to do. In addition, I have rosacea , So I often turn red. I am asking for advice. Thank you.
We never cross our hands behind our heads- we do not weave, because then we pull our head in passing, risking neck injuries, and at the same time we reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Hands behind the ears- unbuttoned or crossed on the chest. We remember about breathing, exhale when your head is up, and try not to lower your head to the floor, but hang it a few cm above- I guess, that we are very disabled.
Hello! Kisses. for everyone. I have a question whether these exercises help with painful menstruation?
Hiya. I have a little belly and I would like to get rid of it 😀 some muscles would feel better. 😀 I think about the exercises anyway ,,6″Wiedera helps? and yet 1 question 😀 what about the diet? has somebody good ;p
Hello to all of you. I also have a small but huge tire for me Some time ago someone from my family recommended that I start a low-carbohydrate diet ( ie only the good carbohydrates) with a higher protein content, which has a positive effect on the growth of muscle tissue. I did not believe it, but Minelo helps 1.5 mca and I lost 3 kg Well, of course, for this a bit of exercise But honestly, I do not wash myself with a bicycle or a little stomach. I feel better and I have more energy Without a lot of water, I can not do it And I advise you to start drinking PuErch tea that rinses out all the dirty things from the body Eternal end with wheat bread, with potatoes and pasta DO NOT EAT CARBOHYDRATES Only the ones that are good for you. Greetings to everyone
Great exercise
I lost weight in 5 m-c 20 kg,by following a diet and exercising systematically every evening,I do it to this day.
From today I will be exercising regularly 😉 As a thirteen year old I want to have a PERFECTLY flat stomach with a nice radiator 😉
I'll write in about two weeks, what are the results 😉
I greet and wish you perseverance 🙂
I hope that my tire will also fall because I signed up for the gym
but I don't know if after exercising the whole body you can get rid of the dura, what do you think about it?
perseverance perseverance and persistence again…I vowed 130 kg…I was huge….1,5 I started on a diet a year ago…I invented it and I practiced a lot ... especially crunches and a bicycle…after half a year, you believe it or not 40 kg less….I loosened and gave myself a few months of light training ... I was primarily concerned with the skin…if I was thinner it would still be a tragedy…now my skin has become elastic, the exercises go on…because I know you can….Regards
These exercises helped me, but I do not recommend ABS
how much did you drop in the waistband after these exercises??
Hello everyone. Mam 13 years 157cm tall and I weigh 52 kg. I know it's good, but I am annoyed by a protruding belly with two fairly large donuts. I am on the MÅ» diet(eat less), I also practiced A6W for a few days, but my back hurt a lot and I didn't see any results. I'd like to go from L-M to S. Please tell me if these exercises help? Will it not be so, that I will develop muscles that will not be visible through the fat? How long should I train to see the effects and how many times to repeat them? I would also like to lose about 5 kg. PLEASE, HELP!!!
I am quite underweight. I have never lost weight, on the contrary. I've always wanted to gain weight. I'm afraid these exercises will do,that I'll be even thinner. Although it seems impossible to me, because I don't have too much fat, all the effort will support muscle growth. What do you think about it?
sander, in my opinion, you need to remember to perform these exercises correctly, slowly and thoroughly, not on a grand scale:) and I recommend crunches with right hand twists- left leg, Ordinary crunches too, but only by lifting the shoulders and you have to feel that the rectus abdominis is working:) Emilia strength exercises will help you gain weight. And support these exercises by drinking milk, because it will help build muscle:)
I lost weight 20 kilo in 3,5 month (z 85 do 65) thanks to the diet (unhealthy, I warn you) and exercises. The yo-yo effect is bullshit, if you do exercise, no options, so that the kilos come back. Mam 175 cm tall and I plan more 10 kilo to lose. Then I will completely reshape my legs and belly and I will be happy. 😉 Exercise helps, without exercise there is no point in tackling diets.
and I am underweight and feel good about it
Marian, what diet did you use ///////// because I like your weight loss effect
how many times and how many series do you need to do these exercises ??
these exercises are not understood!!!!! but exercise is much lighter 6 I heartily recommend weider
Only A6w or ABS and Aroby exercises for the abdomen + diet and belly like a model …
I started practicing it today but I sincerely doubt any effects, I have tried to gain nice abdominal muscles more than once, but they are never visible enough, and I've tried a lot of exercises before and never gave up too quickly. I used to do, for example 100 sit-ups a day for approx 5 months and there was virtually no effect, well, it's always worth trying
Dominika and how do you do Weider, you don't cross the cancer behind your head??? 🙂
You are doing it wrong!!!
these exercises don't help