History and rules of the game of American Football
American football is one of the most popular team sports in the United States. Two teams of eleven take part in the competition, and the goal of the game is to score more points than your opponents.
A short history of American Football
American football in the United States is commonly called football and it is a football sport, originally from the British Isles. It was created by combining the rules of rugby and football, in the mid-nineteenth century.
First, an official American football game was played 6 November 1869 year in New Brunswick, NJ. The teams from Rutgers University and Princeton University faced each other. The first team won, result 6:4.
The proper rules for playing American football were developed in the 1880s, on the initiative of Walter Camp, trainer at Yale University. In this way, the concept of rugby and football was distinguished. In year 1912 American football was played on the rules, still used today. W 1916 Football became a national sport in the United States and the annual Rose Bowle began, between universities in the east and west.
W 1920 The American Professional Football Association league was created in the year, which later developed into the NFL, the National Football League. The first Super Bowl between the NFL and the AFL, took place in 1967 year. W 1970 of the year both leagues merged.
Game rules
Players play American football using a special football, ovoid ball, which they can throw with their hand, excavate, to carry or transfer from hand to hand between competitors. Players earn points:
• By carrying the ball beyond the goal line, the so-called. dot line,
• By tossing the ball to a player standing in the "end zone", that is, in the point field,
• By buying the ball for the opponent's goal, i.e. the so-called. field goal.
How points are scored?
This team wins the American football game, which will score more points than your opponents. The specific rules for scoring points are characteristic of American football. It's worth getting to know them, to be able to follow more consciously the matches of the professional Football League, yes in america, and in Poland.
Competitors can score points in various ways:
• Making a touchdown - from English touchdown. Every touchdown is it 6 points on the football team's account. A touchdown is like this, that a player runs with the saw into the opponent's end zone or catches a pass by a player from his team, being in the dot field. After making a touchdown, the scoring team proceeds to the so-called. elevation, involving another attack. The ball is placed on 2 yard, and then an action is carried out through the excavation, or the lower action. If the team kicks the ball, then the next point will get, if it passes between the goal posts and over the crossbar. 2 points are awarded for a successful bottom action, ending with a touchdown.
• Making a safe play - it is a safety game from the English language, for which the team is entitled 2 points. Safe games are made by defense players and consist of charging the attacker carrying the ball, until now, when he releases the ball or intentionally throws it to the ground.
• Making a kick on goal –From English it is a field goal, which results in adding the team 3 subsequent points. We are dealing with a kick at the goal, when the ball is successful, it will kick between the poles and the opponent's shortcomings over the crossbar.
Basic rules
Goal, which the players of each team strive for in a match of American football, is to score as many points as possible. The team keeps the ball in the so-called. possession, if he manages to move it towards the opposing team's end zone in four tries, by at least 10 yards, which corresponds to approx 9 meter. The defense of the opponent's team tries to successfully take the ball away from the attackers. When will the takeover happen?, the other team starts attacking, trying to score a point.
Before each game, the quarterback communicates the strategy of the game to his players from the team. A specific action is chosen for each subsequent attempt. The quarterback has only a few dozen seconds to provide information, between the end of one attempt and the beginning of another attempt to play.
There are two main types of play in American football, namely:
• Application action, when the quarterback throws the ball to one of his teammates,
• Running action, when the quarterback hands the ball to another player after the play has started, who tries to run as many yards as possible with her. Defense of the opposing team, not having a ball, he tries to decipher the opponent's strategy and intercept the ball, preventing you from gaining yards, by knocking over the player who has the ball.
The action in the game begins at the moment, when the middle player in the offensive line picks up the ball from the ground and hands it to the declarer. The offensive action ends, when the player with the ball goes out of bounds, is knocked over or the ball touches the ground after a missed pass between players.
They are used in American football penalties for offenses, e.g.. for false start, or blocking an opponent in the back, or grabbing the grille in the helmet. The referee then raises the yellow flag and counts down from the team committing the yard violation.