Beautiful breasts
Too lush or too small breasts are a perennial problem of women. Breasts will be a reason to be proud if we do not forget about systematic care. Unfortunately, we cannot stop the skin aging process and the reduction of breast firmness, while we can effectively slow it down.
From an early age, we should remember to keep our body straight and exercise regularly, such as swimming, strength training to strengthen the chest muscles.
The appearance of our bust depends on the muscles, which sustain him. You can strengthen it with simple exercises:
1. Step exercise
– We put our backs on the steppe, because the hands must be able to fall freely below the body. We hold dumbbells in our hands like this, so that they are in line with the breasts. At the same time, we raise both dumbbells up, straightening your arms at the elbows, then we return to the starting position.
2. Women's push-ups
– We lean on our knees and hands. Bend the elbows and bring the torso closer to the floor, then return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise in two series after 15 repetitions.
3. Circulation
– Standing, we rest our hands on our shoulders and perform them with them 25 circulation forward, followed by backward circulation.
An equally important element is a well-fitting bra, whose shoulder straps should not stick into the body or leave prints under the bust. Let's limit tanning on the neckline and breasts, which leads to their overheating, let's give up hot baths, let's replace them with a summer shower. Especially during the morning and evening showers, let's devote a moment of attention to them by alternating water massage. We always massage in circular movements, using warm water first, then cold.
There are also many lotions and creams to improve the elasticity and firmness of the breasts, especially recommended are those containing extracts from: ginseng, ivy, ginkgo biloba, arnica, sage (the shape of the bust largely depends on the tension of the skin), these are designed to strengthen the connective tissue and prevent wrinkles, moreover, they are enriched with vitamins. We also use creams containing high factors, which protect the bust from excessive UV rays.
Let's remember one thing.
Big, small, shapely breasts or not, all this does not matter much when the breasts become ill. Cancer is especially dangerous, and this is, unfortunately, one of the most common, serious diseases that plague women. However, the development of the disease can be prevented. Proper nutrition also helps to keep your breasts healthy : cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage are recognized as the best sources of antioxidants to prevent breast cancer.
After 40 years of age, every woman should do what 2-3 years of mammography, if it shows changes, additional ultrasound should be performed.
After 50 From the age of 18 years, mammography should be performed once a year.
Your comments
how old are you, little worm? How 12 then you will grow.. wait.. you're just starting to mature 😀
what to do, so that the breasts shrink at least a little??
You have to degrease yourself. Reduction diet – slimming.
And what to do to make them go up…I'm not saying that mine are sagging but I would like some muscles to stay higher. Hm…maybe some exercises to get them firm
and what to do when you have a very large mammary sinus and the nipples are not standing??
hey I've got 15 years and I'm flat ? why and what can I do about it ?
Mam 18 lat. My right breast is much smaller than the left one, in addition they are hanging, they are not firm. It's really hard for me to match a bra to them. or they run away from underneath, or they run away with their cleavage. Please give me some advice, what can I do to make them look better.
I have a different problem: I took birth control pills for six months, now I gave up on them. During the period of taking the pills, I had beautiful, big and firm breasts, and now I'm afraid that they will be smaller and worse, they will sag 🙁 What to do to prevent this? Is regular exercise enough?? Please help, Regards!
hey I have an unusual problem my right breast is bigger than the left is it something dangerous please help and advice
hey girls! Don't worry about the asymmetry of your body, that's normal. A well-fitting bra will do the trick. And you sad-mouse, ask some nice saleswoman for help, maybe you need to change your bra type and size and it will be ok. The most beautiful breasts are healthy breasts! Regards
I have a question for a long time I have been going to exercise-PBU and I wanted to find out whether to wear a bra to exercise(with cups)is it better to practice without it? I don't have big breasts and I don't want them to become any smaller or pendulous.
and how to slim down your bust
mam 22 years, what kind of pills you need to buy to have a large breast and it is prescription or what to eat, please answer my question
what you need to buy to have big tits I have 22 years and is it prescription from
What is good, I do not know what kind of tablets I can buy and it is on the prescription I have 22 years and I keep asking because I don't know what would be better for me
and that's why I am asking because no one will help me, maybe you can do it and advise me
Unfortunately, if you have small breasts, you won't do anything about it. That's your nature. To, what breasts we have depends on genetic and hormonal conditions. Sometimes the bust gets a bit bigger when we get fat. And I heard that some girls noticed breast enlargement after taking anti-pills (but after weaning, the bust decreases)
Hey, my problem is that I have a much smaller right breast and therefore I do not go to the pool or the beach because I am ashamed. I have to wear loose blouses so that you do not see it. help me please. Can you somehow increase one breast by exercising??
Hi, mam 15 years and it worries me that I am flat or is it normal for my age?My breasts do not grow at all because of this they all laugh at me or if I practice my breasts will grow?
Hi ,recently, when I was lying down, I noticed that my left breast only hurts 12 years and I don't know what it is ,help!
That your chest hurts, it means they are starting to grow
listen, I am flat and have a problem with that.
I heard, that you can optically enlarge the bust, wearing e.g.. blouses with horizontal stripes, or just massage them, sprinkle once with cold, once with hot water.
but in my opinion it does nothing.
mam 13 years and it bothers me, that everyone is making fun of me. is there really no possible way to make the breasts bigger?
or that they start growing?
please help 😉
there is a way…eat lots of chickens but boiled / stewed…Chicken breasts to be exact. In addition, light exercises for the chest and the breast will grow ;]
Nonsense…food or not,as someone wrote before it depends on genetic conditions. if we have, grandmothers do not have large breasts,the same thing awaits us. As for the baby1245…you have ONLY 13 lat! In elementary school and junior high school, people made fun of me, because I was flat…and suddenly at the end of junior high school – 16I got even more years from nature than I wanted. Do not worry! and the different size of the breast is natural. We are not symmetrical by nature – whether men or women. You can see it in our breasts, in men, the testicles are often different;) and breast exercises do not increase the size, they only strengthen the muscles that support the bust…just look at the swimmers.
mam 14 years and bust large A or small B, I got in 4 primary school class and from 3 I have not grown for years … could it be a weight loss thing? I'm not too skinny, but I eat little because I don't have a good metabolism, just don't eat fat at all, and of them the breasts of the pre-evesh are made. I wonder if if I continue to eat like this, I will grow up?
and I have 21 and I have no breasts, the bra I bought 6 years ago he is still good at me… I've been taking birth control pills for over a year and nothing. I am thinking of visiting an endocrinologist – maybe he can help me something.. Regards
Mam 30 years and I was born 1 I don't even know when my breasts have become small and saggy what to do to improve their appearance and after what time the effect of exercise gives some results
Get your puschap bra and go ; DDD
Instead of asking, I will answer: Girls – you write about such mundane things that I feel like crying. “I have too big and I have too small”. Which of you really has a problem? If you go to the gynecologist, you should know the answers to all these questions about size, inequality, sagging and breast size. I see, young 12-13 summer girls but mature women write here, who already have children. I am in despair at how ignorant you are. Go to the library, read about human anatomy, about physiology, genetics. After all, such a guy from will not tell you what bra to buy or why your breasts are small – it is pure genetics and individual predispositions of each person. Everyone is different and until you accept that, you will complain about it all your youth “too small” the “too big” bust.
And so I will write this for you:
– how is a small bust – massages, creams and tablets won't help (they will only firm the bust but will not enlarge it from B to D cup – NEVER IN MY LIFE) – one rule better little firm than little pendulous – simple.
– how is big bust – to make it firm, it must be applied with firming creams (with collagen and elastin), in addition, water massages alternating with cold and warm water – end up cold. I have 80 E and I fed it 2 children so i know what i'm talking about.
You will not reduce it with creams or tablets. It may decrease as you lose weight, but you have to be careful because the excess skin will not disappear just like that, so you have to reckon with it, that the bust will be a little saggy at first.
– how is a saggy bust – do everything the same as with small and large breasts – possibly for cashier, surgical breast lifting – cost approx. 8-15 thousand. PLN
In addition, the best results are always achieved by a cold-warm shower and, for the persistent ones, lubrication with ice cubes – circular movements (avoid warts).
Someone above wrote that he had firm breasts after birth control pills – they were not firm but taut. The mammary glands have grown from hormones – simple and logical – read the leaflet that comes with the tablets or ask your gynecologist.
Anyway, this is the last piece of advice – get to know your own organism. Read some books on the woman's body and your question will not remain unanswered. For example – I could even answer your questions 16 years ago when I was in nursery school – it is enough to reach for the book…
Of course, don't forget to exercise – are important
I am asking for help, I have quite big breasts but it is so soft and it hangs too low and I do not know what exercises would be appropriate and I also have a problem with my stomach, I cannot cope with it. Please write to me
tell me, I will still grow my breasts 12 lat
but I have already grown a little
mam 16 l;at,) problem – breasts. I started to grow somehow in 3. primary school class. I didn't want to wear bras “because my friends are laughing”. I was too young, I didn't understand it and I have effects – the breasts are pendulous, and that it can be done (DD, sometimes even an E cup;/), this is an even worse view 🙁 I've been doing women's push-ups for some time, but it did not work, so I gave it up. 🙁
Hello. I gave birth to two children and although I have one 21 both pregnancies were planned. I breastfed my little daughter for a year and my son, unfortunately, only a month due to health problems. now I also have small breasts, which makes me look like a girl and when someone sees me in a store with children, he immediately looks at me strangely as if I do not know what wrong I did. I am also asking for advice because because of breasts people do not take me seriously. Regards
mam 19 years and I have very small breasts. I'm ashamed to put on blouses with necklines … my friends have big breasts and I have small breasts:(
please help me what I should take how to eat…tell me what to do to make me have bigger breasts??
26paulina ,if it comforts you, I do 22 I was flat as a board when I was when I was one year old, I didn't wear a bra at all and now I wear 80C unfortunately ,wait like it wasn't you're developing yet, and small does not mean that they are ugly, not every guy likes the big, it is important to keep them healthy,besides, how do you want to enlarge now buy a bra that raises and enlarges the breasts, there are so many girls of your age that wear them and do not admit that they have small breasts
I have 17 years and this year is ending 18 and the breasts are zero :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( only 76cm in circumference, it is not even an A cup ;/;;/ tell me what to do ? whether they still grew??
I would like my breasts to be slightly smaller, and at the same time they took better shapes 😉
My breasts fall under my armpits and downwards, every time I put on a bra I have to pull them forward. without a bra, they run to my sides and are floppy. mam 17 lat. in summer I cannot wear bras for beaches that do not have a cup…… My peers have firmer and more forward, what to do to make mine formed this way ? help 🙁
mam 12 years and I have no breasts what should I do ???
kids, get over it !!!!!!!!! you have po 12 years and you panic that you do not have a tit and you damn well have now, I still have time for such things and your bodies too, You don't have your parents to explain it to you or what ??? Everyone asks for the same, read a bit instead of sending the forum, a thousand times someone has already answered your questions here.
you know what I'm going to tell you, I have small breasts but I'm not complaining and having big breasts is hard because our spine sits easily. So I'll say enjoy your breasts as you have them and don't complain. than the bust!think about it.
We take care of the bust, but the most important thing is self-confidence. Breasts or ass won't attract attention for long. Style, behavior and confidence – it counts!
Fat! it's just boobs for fuck's sake. For twelve year olds: girls, enjoy, because the longer you don't have breasts, the better for you (this convenience, not having to wear a bra…<dreamer>):)) They will definitely appear, only in due time. Chicken, I am wearing a 75D and I will tell you honestly, that there are such moments, that my breasts are in the way. Firstly: you don't run up the stairs…I guess, that you like “mexican wave”:P and secondly….hmm…They disturb me a bit in my profession…(I am a violinist). But it's hard. I will not change anything and I will not give any cut for the appearance and comfort:) Accept your breasts as they are and you will see that changing your attitude alone will change a lot. Self-confidence gives a lot:) and I repeat: it's just tits:) Regards:))
These teens piss me off . They write that they are flat as boards all your life ahead of you … They can still grow .. And what are the women who have to say? 20 years and they have nothing .. All my girlfriends from college had tits and I had the back and front of the board . Heard the bavarian works ( tea with milk ) 2 my friends drink it ….. started having 21 years and they grew up 1 and 2 sizes … Although I personally think it's a myth … We just have to get used to it , everything has its charm .
It was like this with me. At the beginning as I had 14 lat, the breasts were already there, and yes, clear, nice, but….tiny. Somewhere around Christmas and winter holidays, My breasts started to grow very quickly and I already had them nice and really big, even before I finished 15 lat. I had the largest breasts in the language group, although I was the youngest.
On the growth of the bust there are patches that stick, You can find them, for example, in cosmetics stores, e.g. Naura
What should I do to make my breasts grow? ?? Mam 21 years old and I have small ones. My boyfriend likes them ;)But I wish I had more.
Hello, I have a bit of an embarrassing problem , I had two pregnancies , I had nice breasts after the first one,have not changed for me, I did not feed the children. After the second, I gave birth to a son five years ago, I breastfed him for almost a year. In the first months I had big breasts like balloons / I'm short,I've always had small breasts. then , in the amount of feeding, they decreased, until they finally became small,dry and pendulous, I am very ashamed of it ,especially in front of her husband. and I can't match the bras,I feel bad about it, I have been taking birth control pills for years. What to do,so that the skin is not so wrinkled, withered ? mam 32 lata
My right breast is not bigger than the left one.
likewise, the right nipple is much larger than the left nipple. I have a small bust and 14 lat . What is to make the breasts equal and higher??
how am I supposed to eat so that my breasts grow?