Bodybuilding exercise plan

Bodybuilding exercise plan

Taking up bodybuilding exercises, we absolutely must have a plan, according to which we will consistently fulfill the tasks set before us. It's not a secret, that having a plan in everything we do always makes it easier to carry it out.

However, in order to be able to create a good bodybuilding exercise plan, we need to think about this first, what we want and what results, after performing individual exercises, we expect to get. Some people dream of building impressive muscles and gaining the greatest strength, others lean towards sculpture, still others are driven by the desire to get both and the general improvement of figure. In achieving these goals, however, we will not be helped by chaotic and unplanned running to the gym and throwing ourselves without thinking about all the equipment. Chaos and lack of consistency in performing exercises is the last thing, what our muscles need. So that the work put into building our muscles makes sense and brings results, must be constant, varying in intensity, trainings, which additionally must also be separated from each other by the periods needed for the regeneration of muscles and the whole body. Planning can take place both in mini-cycles, as well as macrocycles. As a rule, we remember only the first method and set the course of training only for two, three more visits to the gym. However, it is also recommended to plan for a longer period, even a whole year. Getting down to preparing a proper bodybuilding exercise plan, we have to keep in mind the stage, on which now, working on muscle mass, We are. The training will be different during the period, where we should build mass, differently when strengthening strength and endurance, still different during regeneration. With that in mind, we should determine the right number of workouts per week and their distribution, taking into account the need to work on different muscle groups and at different levels of intensity. We need to think about the burden, with which we are going to practice, number of repetitions, series, the length of the rests between sets, as well as training. All these things should be carefully arranged and recorded, so, so that later we can check the effectiveness and efficiency of the exercise cycles planned by us.

All this effort is based on fact, that a serious sport should not be underestimated, what is bodybuilding and how to go about it. We can be sure, that the most important, which will allow us to avoid mistakes and waste of strength and time for nothing, because it is done mindlessly, Weightlifting, it is a good plan that takes into account the course of the exercises.

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