Types of fitness exercises

Types of fitness exercises

Aerobic exercise:
Aerobic exercise also known as cardiovascular exercise, is definitely one of the best ways to improve the efficiency of our body, it's an effort, during which more oxygenated blood reaches the muscles and organs of the body.

They force the heart and lungs to work harder, strengthening them and improving their condition. They improve the work of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and make the veins more flexible, strengthen the heart muscle, lower blood cholesterol levels. The traditional forms of aerobic exercise are: cycling, cross-country skiing, long runs, especially long-distance swimming, Cycling, jogging and even walking or playing basketball. Also fitness equipment, cardio equipment such as: exercise bikes, steppers or a rowing machine.

Let's try to do the exercises at a steady pace, then our hearts will beat evenly, thanks to which the blood flow will be faster and increase the amount of oxygen supplied to every cell of our body. We will significantly reduce the risk of coronary artery disease or heart attack, we will increase the capacity of our lungs. Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to lower your blood pressure and reduce body fat.

Training is best done, right after strength training, when glycogen levels are at their lowest and should not last less than 30 minutes, because only after this time is fat tissue burned.

Anaerobic exercise:
These are short term exercises, high-intensity exercise that consumes the oxygen contained in the muscles. The workload is so high when they are done, that the circulatory system is unable to supply the required amount of oxygen. Aerobic exercise causes a sharp increase in heart rate and blood pressure. This leads to an earlier onset of fatigue – the consequence of which is a reduction in exercise time. During anaerobic exercise, there is a moment when we run out of oxygen and we switch to using energy reserves, which is called the anaerobic threshold. Such exercises help us achieve better sports results.

These exercises can be very short, including short-distance runs, sprint, lifting weights and even pushing a car .

Resistance exercises:
Resistance exercises, also known as strength training, increase muscle strength and mass, and bone strength, improve the strength of tendons and ligaments, lower cholesterol. They reduce unnecessary fat tissue.

These exercises lead to an increase in muscle strength by forcing them to work more than usual. There are different forms: health gymnastics (squats, push-ups), free weight exercises (bar with weights) or using weighting machines. Typically, a session lasts approx 30 minutes. If we exercise two to three times a week, we can see an increase in the strength and size of the exercised muscles. This is due to the acceleration of various chemical reactions in the cells of our muscles. The biggest changes occur within the first few months of regular training. They reduce the level of body fat. Thanks to it, we will quickly notice an increase in muscle tone and mass.

Isometric exercises:
They allow you to quickly strengthen your muscles, without the need for special equipment. It is a kind of exercise, when muscles contract but joints stay still. We can do them almost anywhere, their training involves tensing the muscles without stretching them. When performing exercises, we usually lean against a stationary surface, pressing his hands against the wall. They are often used in rehabilitation, because they accurately identify the weak spot, and then apply strengthening exercises at the correct angle of joint flexion. They have a great effect on muscle density. Such training, used from time to time, will give the muscles a new shape, harden them and give them a more expressive look. The risk of injury is minimal.

Flexibility exercises:
These are stretching exercises, leading to an increase in muscle length and an increase in the range of motion in the joints. A series of coordinated movements aimed at relaxing and stretching muscle and connective tissue.. They can be performed as a series of different gymnastic exercises, i.e: yoga, dance or tai chi. Each stretching exercise should last one to two minutes. Although the benefits of practicing flexibility are not as spectacular, as in aerobic exercise, or force, it's a regular repetition anyway (2-3 times a week) can play an important role in maintaining range and ease of movement- especially in the elderly. They improve posture and prevent injuries, are also important in the rehabilitation process, because they cause muscle relaxation.

Your comments

20.02.2008 18:22:18

Hello, I am writing because I have a big request. I'm a slim person, I'm 163 cm tall and I weigh only 45 kg 🙁 I would like you to put some sets of exercises for girls like me on the website. Thanks in advance.


28.02.2008 13:43:53

excuse me, what are you doing for exercise??


12.04.2008 19:30:37

and flexibility exercises such as? I am very interested in anything related to muscle stretching, gymnastics etc….you will help?


14.06.2008 10:00:43

hello i have a big request….mam 19 years and got rid of my excess weight in just over a year 6 months (I lost approx 25 kg) through daily exercise combined with diet- I know it's a great success:) I currently weigh 70 kg at height 170 cm, but… I would like you to recommend me some effective set of exercises for a flat stomach (overall wasp waist). because through their diet and exercise I lost the most cm in the area of ​​the hips, enough, but ok brucha in a slightly smaller result. thanks in advance for advice:) Greetings. CAROL:)


15.07.2008 16:49:18

I had 6 immobilized leg due to tearing of the gastrocnemius muscle. I will start exercises and rehabilitation treatments 28 July (queues). Can I start some exercises earlier on my own?? Regards:-)


23.07.2008 20:25:28

Mam 17 lat, 163 cm tall, I weigh 49 kg and I have a question about whether someone can give me a page with a specific set of fitness exercises that I could do. I am asking for help and thank you in advance) and greet everyone


15.08.2008 8:13:16

damn how did you lose it 25 What kind of exercise did you do and what diet did you follow??


kepkalublin at vp
19.09.2008 21:58:32

what diet was it that you can lose so much in such a short time? please tell me what is the secret of this success? I have a weak will and nothing is losing weight, I have the impression that it is even gaining. I'm 160cm and 58kg so my belly isn't starting to look great….my diets have not worked so far..


19.02.2009 13:25:50

Hello, I'm 165 cm tall and weigh 64 kg, so I'm probably at a normal weight, however, my belly doesn't look good =/ could you recommend some exercises for a flat stomach? thanks in advance and best regards 🙂


28.02.2009 12:32:11

Maybe crunches…. It's hard at first but practice makes perfect.
Good luck:o)


30.11.2009 23:13:14

Hello:)) I have a little problem…
Mam 19 years and 164 cm and weigh 72 kg;/
I have already lost weight many times and somehow I was able to motivate myself. It's hard for me now. I need some exercise and a good diet, to get back in shape.

you wrote,that you lost 25 kg ? How did you do that??? Include diet and exercise !!!! I'm waiting for a reply:))


23.12.2009 21:02:58

hello. I am also seriously thinking about losing weight. I am young because I have 25 years old and I can't run to the bus anymore. I don't know why but I keep eating and I don't move at all. (the weakest ones) I could do?about these every day 10 min. longer to get my muscles used to even minimal effort again. Because it's tragic with me. Regards.


thread 218
06.01.2010 11:21:51

I started going to Jukari regularly – it's like fitness on ropes for women, great workout, all the muscles are working and there is a lot of laughter at the same time:) I lost weight 5 kg w 2 months


29.08.2010 12:20:53

I go to the gym and do ellipticals 25 do 30 minutes later, I am exercising different parts of the body, everything is fine 1 hours and I can't lose weight WHY?????


04.10.2010 16:29:46

robie 100 crunches and jumping rope and wants to lose weight from the belly

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