Eagles Hill – hind tenders (GER)

Eagles Hill – hind tenders (GER)

HS Hill-Size: 108 m
K point-K: 95 m
b° Inclination angle at point K: 35,00°
h Height difference between threshold and point K:
n Distance between threshold and point K:
h/n 0,561
a° Threshold inclination angle: 10,50°
s Threshold height:
e In-run length:
t Threshold length

Good to know

Hill record: 112,0 m
Noriaki Kasai (Japan) – 06.08.2000

In the High Black Forest, 30 km south-east of Freiburg, On the height 885 m.

As part of the Continental Cup and the Summer Grand Prix, competitions are regularly organized here every year.
It is a perfect holiday destination and winter sports center. The big three of winter sports live in Hinterzarten:
Georg Thoma:
Olympic winner with 1960 w Squaw Valley (nordic combination)
Dieter Thoma (George Thoma's nephew):
Winner of the Four Hills Tournament (1990), World Champion
in flights (1990), team olympic champion (1994), team world champion (1999)
Sven Hannawald:
team world champion (1999), flying world champion (2000
and 2002), team olympic champion 2002, winner of the Four Hills Tournament 2002.
The best teams in the world have been training here since May, until October.

Atmospheric conditions
Especially in the morning there are favorable conditions here. Later, the wind likes to pick up and blow from different directions. Jumpers use this fact to test new equipment.

information / Internet

Tickets and room reservations:
Tourism Ltd
D-79856 Hinterzarten
Tel: (07652) 1206-42
Fax: (07652) 1206-49
e-mail: tourismus@hinterzarten.de


…by car: via the A5 Karlsruhe motorway – Basel, trip
from Freiburg then take the B31 or the A81 Stuttgart – To sing, exit from Donaueschingen on the B31 towards Freiburg
…by train: accessible from most directions

Hill chronicle

29 of August 1924 it was the date of birth “Orlow Hill”.
A. Riesterer (tavern owner, hotel in Hinterzarten, today the Hotel Park of Eagles) together with the management of the Baden construction company, they decided to build a new ski jump. Plans have been drawn up, a cost estimate was prepared and a suitable location for the facility was found.

The ski jump was ready in 1924, but due to lack of snow, the first competition was held 24 February 1925 year. W 1935 General training before the Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen took place here 1936. In the same year, the Norwegian Birger Ruud, the winner of the olympics 1932 and 1936, set a fantastic hill record on this facility – 71 meters. It was respectable.

W 1964 year the hill was thoroughly modernized and soon local “matador”, Olympic winner Georg Thoma, improved the record by a whole 11 meters.
At the end of the seventies the future of the ski jumping hill was in doubt. standards, FIS requirements were constantly changing and the facility was becoming more and more obsolete. Changes were needed, to get a certificate.
So a plan for a practically new hill in the Black Forest was developed, but covered with needles. Hinterzarten received subsidies for this purpose and it was possible to quickly implement the assumptions. The last reconstruction took place at the turn of the year 1998 and 1999.

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