Stephen Hocke: 13.07.2004 – “The atmosphere in the team is great”.
When in season 2001/2002 18-the then summer-old Stephan Hocke won his first World Cup victory in Engelberg, delighted professionals and fans of ski jumping.
Nearly two months later, the young German won the Olympic gold medal with the team in Salt Lake City.
At the end of the season, Hocke finished in the top ten of the World Cup.
He was immediately hailed as a talent, which happens once in a hundred years, the new star of German ski jumping. Along with the first successes came growing expectations.
Another two years for Stephan Honk Hocke, after a dream first year among the best players in the world, they were a cold shower for him. Place 52. (2002/2003) and 34. (2003/2004) in the World Cup classification brought a jumper
from Thuringia brutally to the land of ski reality.
However, Hocke is not only an exceptional player. He can handle situations too, when he is far from sporting success.
The German enjoys ski jumping as much as before. This has not changed in recent years. Hocke looks at the past and the future with an innate ease.
“The media hype didn't come too soon”
Could it be so?, that the victory at Engelberg (2001) and the associated media hype came too soon, looking back?
“In no case”, says Hocke. “For me, it was just a fun experience and the hype of the media didn't particularly interest me. There are ups and downs in ski jumping”.
“When you start to consider, doesn't go at all”
Where according to Stephan Hocke lies the reason for this, that so far he has not been able to repeat the results, or link to them, from the season 2001/2002?
“I think, that there were many factors involved. Firstly, various injuries before the start of the season, Second, hardware issues. When at the beginning of the season not everything is in sync, hard to find your rhythm. With a busy schedule, there is almost no time left for training.
When it starts to contemplate, where is the cause, Ski jumping doesn't work anymore. And it's really hard to get out of the hole”.
“Who managed to combine a hobby with a profession?”
How hard is it to find, when a great season is followed by an average of two years? Nobody has any doubts, that Stephan Hocke is a unique talent and can be or even should be a regular in the top ten.
” It is normal, It's hard to get motivated again after a loss, but ski jumping is something like that, what pleases me, even when things go wrong sometimes.
But who manages to combine a hobby with a profession, just like me, that's enough motivation. Also, it's not always bad, in training or in single competitions it is sometimes quite good. It is from such small successes that one draws courage and strength. He proves himself, that there is still something that can be done, although the next competition may end in defeat again.
“The fall didn't stop me”
In August 2003 Stephan Hocke had a serious fall in Innsbruck due to faulty equipment. How long did this fall remain in my head?? Does he sometimes remember this event??
“It didn't bother me at all, it wasn't my fault that caused the fall. Fortunately, it didn't leave any traces.
The first jumps after the fall were funny and cost some nerves, but confidence soon returned. the only thing, What I do differently now is to pay more attention to bindings”.
“It was important, to stop this trend”
As Stephan Hocke assesses the new regulations regarding the weight of players?
“In any case, positively, even if the greatest jumpers were to lose a little by it. It was important, to stop the trend of recent years, according to which skydivers are getting thinner and thinner”.
“The atmosphere in the team is great”
What is the current atmosphere in the German team??
“The atmosphere is great at the moment. We have a lot of fun at the camps and we all understand each other very well”.
” I would rather, to make places in the summer worse, and better in winter”
What result would Stephan Hocke like to achieve in the summer, expressing it in places?
” If I was always in the first 30, it would be ok for me in the summer. We are still in the preparation phase and treat the Grand Prix as training. I would rather, to make places in the summer worse, but better in winter”.
“I need permanent positions in the top 20”
And next season, when the world championships will be held in Oberstdorf?
“The goals are quite clear – participation in the world championships in Oberstdorf in 2005 and in the classification of the 4-Hills-Tournament, I would like to be in the top 30.
To achieve that, I need consistent top 20 spots, but i can tell, that I set my goals from contest to contest, depends on what shape I'm in”.
We wish the young jumper from the WSV Oberhof club success in achieving his goals.
His excellent humor on the hills, contrary to the results obtained, never goes below a certain level. Hocke takes great pleasure in ski jumping. The German fans are waiting for him to satisfy them with his good results as well.