Utah Olympia Park – Salt Lake City (USA)

Utah Olympia Park – Salt Lake City (USA)

HS Hill-Size: 134 m
K point-K: 120 m
b° Inclination angle at point K: 35,00°
h Height difference between the threshold
and the K point:
n Distance between the threshold
and the K point:
h/n 0,575
a° Threshold inclination angle: 10,50°
s Threshold height: 3 m
e In-run length: 104,7 m
t Threshold length

Good to know

Hill record: 134,5 m
Marcin Bachleda (POL) – 26.07.03

In the western part of the USA, south of the Great Salt Lake; 163 000 residents.

HS hills 134 i HS 100 are located in Utah Olympic Park, along with a bobsleigh and toboggan run, On the height 2237 meters.
Especially for the Salt Lake City Olympics in 2002 In 2008 the HS100 ski jump was modernized, and a large one was built.

Winter sports center; w 2002 organizer 19. winter olympics.

information / Internet

National Sports Foundation
P.O. Box 682722
Park City, Utah 84068 USA
Tel.: (435) 645-7660
Fax: (435) 645-7661


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