Mühlenkopf large hill – willingen (GER)

Mühlenkopf large hill – willingen (GER)

HS Hill-Size: 145 m
K point-K: 130 m
b° Inclination angle at point K: 35,00°
h Height difference between threshold and point K:
n Distance between threshold and point K:
h/n 0,590
a° Threshold inclination angle: 11,00°
s Threshold height: 3,25 m
e In-run length: 107 m
t Threshold length 6,70 m

Good to know

Hill record: 151,5 m
Adam Malysz (POL) – 03.02.2001

High Sauerland, 100 km west of Kassel.

Winter sports center; regularly organized World Cup and Continental Cup.

information / Internet

Ski Club Willingen e.V.
To the spa garden 11
34508 willingen
Tel.: 05632/960-360
Fax: 05632/960-370
Email: info@sc-willingen.de


The history of the hill

The first World Cup competition took place in the season 1994/95. The competitions in this town have always been very popular. It was on this hill that Adam Małysz in February 2001 set three records: hill record, longest jump on objects with point K 120 and the highest sum of points for two jumps (more than 300).

In summer 2000 wooden tower was demolished, and a modern steel structure was erected in its place. New stands were also built, from which spectators can observe the competition from a very short distance. In addition, the jump has been changed, so that the jumps are as far as possible. The cost of this upgrade was approx. 10 mln THEM, but without these changes the World Cup would not come to Willingen again.

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