Shapely legs

Everyone's dream is shapely calves and slender thighs. In order for them to be beautiful, they must first of all be healthy. How to prepare your feet for the summer, when they were not cared for before? How to make them attract male eyes with their shape? Meteorologists predict the summer of the century and record heat, and the city is already dominated by short skirts and shorts.
Thanks to exercises, we can strengthen the muscles of the legs and improve circulation in them, increase flexibility and improve motor coordination. Remember, however, that before training, we should do a warm-up, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury.
Here is a set of simple exercises, that will help us achieve our dream goal:
1. Deep squats
They form the calf muscles, thighs and buttocks.
– We put both feet on the ground, so that they touch each other, or we stand on tiptoe slightly apart and raise our arms in front of us. We do a squat. The exercise consists of bending your knees and straightening up, to improve the effects, we try to make them as deep as possible. Lets start with 10 and after a few days we will be able to raise the number to 20 repetitions.
2. Side-to-side leg elevation
– We stand up straight with our legs together, we put in front of us, for example. chair. Bend the left leg slightly at the knee, raise the right side to the side. We repeat the exercise 6 times in two series, and then we change the leg. Over time, we can increase the number of repetitions to 20. Remember about proper breathing and the necessity to pull the belly in.
3. March with raising your knees
Strengthens the legs, firms the upper thighs in particular.
– We take quick steps, lifting my knees high, so that the thighs are parallel to the ground. We focus primarily on raising the knees. Remember to always push your toes away. It's best to keep your arms and hands at waist level, with the insides facing down. Let us begin the exercise by marching, over time, we can go on time off “running up”.
4. High chair
It strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdomen
– We lean back against the wall, so that they completely adhere to it. Bend the legs at the knees so that the calves form a right angle with the thighs. We stretch our hands out in front of us. We remain in position “high chairs” 5 seconds, gradually extending the time to half a minute.
These are just some of the exercises to improve the appearance of our legs, trips to the swimming pool will also be helpful (swimming breaststroke – especially “frog”), cycling or jumping rope.
Let's not forget about prophylaxis: first of all, we should avoid nicotine, take care of your weight and avoid standing for long periods.
Your comments
Nicholas, I invite you to our forum
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I've been going to aerobics for about a year now and we are doing such exercises there.. we have classes on mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I will be honest, that after the first few times you could see some minor effects.. now I have quite nicely formed shapes and it hooked me so much, that I do not miss a single time, and even home exercises. It's really worth it
Hello…!! my name is Judyta and I am looking for help….Because recently cellulite appeared on my legs and I don't know how to get rid of it…She has never had it before and now, when I look at my legs, I want to cry…please help me very much….suggest some little girl…just to be effective…
for exercise, you can also buy a rough sponge, it is available in cosmetic stores and when bathing, make circular movements in the places where cellulite is present, apparently it helps with cellulite, thanks to which even the skin is smoother. specially designed for this purpose, so I think you will have no problem buying them in any one cosmetic store.
these exercises are good but there are very few of them and I have little time:P
Hello. My name is Kasia and I have a problem with my calves ... because I have cellulite on them ...:((( it is easy to get rid of from my thighs.. but I can't slim my calves for nothing. I use gel baths with pilling and I rub in anti-cellulite cream.. I ride a bike almost every day and they are really muscular,,,but this cellulite makes them thick ..:((and nothing helps me.. help!!! what should I do??? rather, I am not overweight.. because I weigh 59 kg and I am 1.65 m tall ,,,
Mam 17 years .. I weigh 50 kg I am 169 cm tall and I have a problem with thighs .. when I was running and my muscles grew recently I neglected and they became fat, they are 50 cm in the thickest place…
now i do approx 100 squats of such stretches as the buttocks, you need to touch the floor ... but I do not know whether instead of losing weight in the thighs or by accident I do not increase them…advice…what to do ... I want to have skinny and pretty legs ... write to e-mail ... please:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Cause I'm devastated over these thighs
mam 16 lat, 172cm tall and weighs 59 kg… I am generally slim, but I have trouble with my legs. they are thick and my knees have cellulite, anyway, I have this problem all over my legs… I wish my legs were slimmer, especially the knees and calves… please help!!! write back to e-mail!!!
Hello!! mam 18, 172cm tall and weighs about 53 kg… I have a problem with my legs:( I'm generally slim so they're skinny and crooked:( maybe again without exaggeration but I have the so-called “gaps between the legs”…when she stands with her legs joined, even my knees are not touching:( what should I do to somehow put them in or I can finally put on the skirt??
hello I am 15 years old and weigh 65 kg. and I'm 165cm. overall my figure is ok,but I have a problem with my thighs…To…thick,and on top of that I am aiming at them. Please help me.! I am devastated by my thighs…I can't look at myself…and soon a holiday,but I don't think I'm going to go to the pool,because I am wrong.!
Dear ladies,
To get rid of cellulite you need to drink a lot, i.e.. 2-3liters of water per day, just not carbonated, it will improve your metabolism, kidney function and cleanse the body of toxins, then pilling, creams and massage of cellulite areas. It is necessary to exercise the thighs and buttocks, aerobic exercise is best to reduce volume, that is, movements without heavy loads, dynamic - e.g.. Cycling. Then you need to firm them- for this you will find a lot of exercises on the fitness websites- it is enough 3 days a week.
We get smart because I know exactly how troublesome this problem is for a woman ,who wants to be beautiful, I was able to get rid of cellulite, slenderize and reduce the size of your thighs, lift the buttocks and firm those parts of the body that were the most problematic for me. What I described in the previous post really helped me and now I am proud to wear shorts to the gym and the guys are watching and praising…, my achievements =).for this I also took amino acids, and in order to be able to praise my butt and legs now, I had to watch my diet even more for half a year and ride a bike, go to the swimming pool and gym but I didn't complain because I liked it a lot and despite my studies and work, I found time for it, wanting is enough! Dear ladies, more courage, optimism and enthusiasm, and you will surely succeed, Good luck!!!
…and remember I made it , So why should you fail??=)
I have a problem regarding my legs.I have 15 lat, waze 51 kg and I'm about 168cm tall, my legs are slim but unfortunately my hips are a bit dark and my legs look like crooked (have chinks )I've been practicing for half a year, but I don't see any changes, for sure there are some changes, but I don't notice it anyway. Please advise me what to do in this matter:) Thank you in advance:)Regards:)
hey I've got 21 lat 170 cm tall. I weigh 60 kg. my thighs are like jelly and, unfortunately, cellulite appeared. After the birth of my daughter, the belly is flat and the skin is tight. Unfortunately, I need advice on what to do with the thighs and bottom.
My name is Malwina and I have a big problem I am an athlete but after an injury I cannot return to my former figure my special problem with my legs are terrible I am asking for advice .
I am asking for advice.
I am asking for advice. I have fat calves and it keeps me awake at night. I would really like some exercise kit., which would help me get the desired effect( maybe my dream will come true and I will finally buy myself high boots for the winter). I greet everyone and look forward to helping you. Please help!!!
Hi… my name is Ewa 16 years old and 178cm tall I weigh 65kg generally I'm slim but my biggest problem regarding my figure are my legs…. thick, ugly and unseen at all… please do some exercise or something like that ….
Very nice exercise. 🙂 I hope so,that will help. From today I started exercising and there was still a month left before I went on vacation. What do you think ... If I exercised every day and apart from these exercises I ran every two days ... could my legs lose weight??
Hi…I have on 14 lat,168 height and weight 58 kg. I would like to lose weight and get rid of my biggest problem - my calves and thighs. Just looking at it makes me want to howl. At first I wanted to run but I'm afraid that then my calves will not be smaller at all because they will become more muscular and it won't do anything. I thought about the pool but I'm ashamed of my hideous legs!!!aggr….Well, I looked on the net and found these exercises - has anyone tried them yet,they are effective??????please help……….I greet everyone;D
Dziędobry my name is Patricia and I have 14 lat. I am athletic, I exercise a lot but I have a problem, I have quite thick thighs, cellulite and I have three stretch marks, and there is a slight stain on my stomach. I heard that there are different modeling preparations, is it worth buying one?? I hope that the state will help me. I am waiting for your answer.
Hello, my name is Marlena 🙂 I have 17 lat, from 2 months I started taking birth control pills and started to gain weight very quickly. Through these 2 months I gained almost 7 kg, but this is not a problem, only cellulite 🙁 is it possible that it appeared from pills ??? do I have to change the tablets then ?? I am asking for advice 🙂 best regards 🙂
Hello, my name is Dominika and I have a lot of problems. My friends see my belly,they envy me. Fact,I am slim in my stomach,but my thighs are terribly big … 🙁 trying different exercises and diets all the time,but it's just a little bit effective… maybe I have the wrong set of exercises and a bad diet? please help quickly 🙂
my name is dagmara. my problem is thick calves. 🙁 I am asking for a set of exercises to make them slim.
Hi, my name is Miśka. My problem is that I have thick thighs and I want to slim them down somehow. you can ask for some exercises in advance day :*
hey my name is ola… my problem is thick thighs and cellulite…I want to get rid of it somehow…. please help….ideally they should be some simple exercises that you can do at home…. thanks in advance:):* write to my e-mail ..:) Regards:)
Mam 14 lat, weighs 55 kg…I don't like my legs, especially my thighs…how quickly and efficiently i can get rid of those fat thighs .?
Dear girls,
just read the previous post on Ussi99 and everything is clear. The most important thing is willingness and then only regularity.
Everyone now has a grudge against someone for something that has thick legs. You had to eat so many chips, etc., and you should not eat yourself from the very beginning:)) Regards:***
I have another problem… my legs are nice but the inner part is too hollow, I have a break between them. I practice to increase their volume, especially just above the knees. How to do it in the thickest place I have 53cm. Mam 166 and I weigh 56 kg.
How to add weight on the inside of your thighs, help!!!!
Mam 15 lat 165 cm height and 70 kg. This excess weight is not visible, but I have a fat stomach and thighs. Cellulite appears on the thighs. I want to dump 15 kg. I don't know what exercises to do. Please help!
I have 167 cm tall and weigh 56 kg ;(((
And I have 13 lat !! ;/
I feel like some fat cow ;((
Plus, I'm dancing… and I can't lose weight ;/
and now i go karate but nothing thin…
Tell me if I have obesity compared to your height ??;p Please write back !!! ;*
And in general, I did not give it that fat … and I have grown…
I have always been short and of normal weight…
there is nothing to break down , the best way to find out if your weight is within the normal range is to do a simple action. take as long as you grow(e.g.. 170cm) and subtract 110cm from it then you will come out ,that the most suitable weight for people with a height of 170 cm is 60 kg. but that doesn't always work. because the ideal weight may be up to 10 kg upwards , that is 65 kg or 68 it's also very good for people with 170 cm tall. In order not to have a tummy, or tires, it is best to ride over it while showering with chilled water. for cellulite it is massage massage and massage again! creams can help you feel better if they smell nice 😉
Mam 13 years 163cm tall and weighs 52kg. I don't like my thighs very much …… what to do when the boys and girls from my class are not telling me directly that I have a thigh thigh only behind the squares of HELP please help me…..
Hello I have 24 lata 160 cm. growth and 53 kg. weight. My problem is the thighs and lower legs. The rest is OK. Please give me some advice on how to get rid of fat from cellulite in the area of the thighs. I will add that I have a child and not too much time for exercise and the vacation is right away…. please help
I am 13 years old and weighs 85 kg with a height of 184 cm. My biggest problems are my legs and stomach. I would like more exercises for my legs and abdomen. And it is very difficult for me to avoid sweets! Please help.
Hello. Mam 14 years and 167 growth. my problem is my thighs and calves are so fat. everything is great, but from the waist down there is a tragedy.. please do a good job !!
I have 15 168 cm tall and weighs 58 kg…I also have problems with my legs and tummy ;/
please help !!!!!! i raaade
I am 158 cm tall and 25 lat, weighs 55 kg… I would like to lose 3-5 kg
don't ask for help
because no one replies to you anyway xD hehe
Hi, my name is Janet .. Mam 14 lat 160 height and weight 55 kg.
I have short legs, which I don't like, plus I have thick thighs, ugly knees and very muscular calves, which makes them fat .. !
How am I supposed to lose thigh fat, improve the appearance of my knees and have nice slender people.
I'm afraid that the exercises will make my legs too strong:(
help !!
Hmm…and I have a problem with calves that are too muscular ;/ it is probably caused by dance, but I would like to get rid of it, because in girls the visible muscles on the calves are terrible…I can do something about it?
Please help….I have muscular thighs…I wish my legs were slim and slim. I don't want them to be muscular. I feel bad about it…Please help me again…:(
girls, can you p[I have very thick leg muscles and I would like to see them what I should do???????
Hello, can you help me, I have very thick muscles in my leg 13 years I don't know what to do, write advice to me on my e-mail, please, I have to get rid of it
13 years is probably too early for something more, than general development exercises, no? ;]
mam 156 cm and I weigh 48 kg is it too much?? I would like to lose weight from my thighs because they are thick and recently I noticed cellulite on them…help and tell me what are proven methods for cellulite and good exercises for losing weight and firming thighs and buttocks…more…thanks in advance 😉
I have one 13 lat noi I have hmm mzoe 165cm tall waze 57 kg x[ but I have a flat and abdomen but I have thick thighs and a lot of grr how can I get rid of this ??
mam 15 lat, I weigh 47 kg and height approx 154 cm.
little thighs- and quite saggy.
I ride a bike a lot, but the most effects of this can be seen with stretched joints and condition.
that's why I will be roller skating, I will combine pleasure with useful, albeit a bit tiring.
and start practicing, practice, practice!.. I will persist.
and maybe I'll get a tan by the way?.. shorts, ii.. ride!
Good luck ;))
a no i.. I will not forget nutritious and regular meals!
Hello, my name is Ala, mam 15 lat, 170cm weighs 68 kg. My biggest problem is with my legs:(((
Hello to you, I am 18 years old 170 and we weigh 60kg for the last one 3 I gained a lot of weight because my previous weight was 51 kg.
I also had a problem with cellulite but I heard about the method with Chinese banks (it's for more lazy people, that is for me :D) they are supposed to be good 🙂
I greet you and good luck:)
Do: Kasyana
I also have 13 years old and I am 160 height and weight 56 kilo. My mother has a special book on diets, in which the appropriate weight is written and…..
…..and my dear, you have an ideal weight!!! Congratulations!!!
mam 16 years and when I came back from vacation (at the beginning of September) I was still hungry so I ate everything without having to control myself. when not long ago I entered the scale, I noticed that I gained weight 12 kg!!! What should I do??
Now I have 172 cm tall and waze 71 kg. how much should I lose to have the perfect weight??
Hello. My name is Aga and I have 14 lat. I have a problem, because I'm short (150cm.). My legs used to be shapely but I gained a bit of weight and the effect is visible. I would like to slim down my calves and the USA first of all. I am asking for tips. Thank you in advance and best regards;)
I, too, have been trying to slim my legs and firm my butt for some time, i practice, I run, I'm just in bad shape:( I read about such shoes somewhere, which help shape the muscles of the legs and buttocks – EasyTone and I wanted to ask if there were girls here, which these shoes have? Please tell me if it helps? You have to walk in them for a long time to see the effects?
my friend has them and she is delighted, they are probably ok. 2 months and still excited about his buttocks, actually look better, so I don't even think about it anymore, I just collect a helmet for these shoes
hey my name is natalia ma 13 years I would love to lose weight 50 kg height 159 .
Is my weight too heavy?
Hi, I am Ania I have 14 years and I don't like my legs. I'd like to have shapely legs for my vacation, when is this' short shorts season?’ lest I have to be ashamed. Will these exercises help? Every day I ride a mechanical bike or on my back, jumps over the rope, tanczę dancehall, and twice a week. I swim in the pool (frog, because it's my favorite style) I do these exercises. you think, that within 2/3 I will lose weight in a month..? ;d
hi, my name is Anastasia and I am 170 cm tall and weigh 100 kg it worries me a lot and no exercises or diets help me and I am healthy (I was doing bass) can you give me some good advice ?:D
Hi, I hope, that you will help me. 🙂
I have a serious problem with my legs , everyone notices it and laughs at me. 🙁
my legs are crooked. or more precisely, it's knees.
are on the side of the legs and go inside.! this is old. ;<<<<.ARE THERE ANY EFFECTIVE EXERCISES?! PLEASE HELP.
Hello, mam 15 lat, I weigh 63 kg and I have 172 cm tall. I am on a diet for two weeks, i practice (100 wide squats, bicycle in the air,i 500 repetitions on the stepper) besides, I rub in these slimming creams, he drinks tea and lots of water. Do you think I will be able to lose a lot of weight in my legs by July?? How long does it take to see the effects? Do I have a chance to lose 10 cm in the thighs until July?
Please reply!
(ps. I weighed even in April 70 kg, but don't move your legs,Now I have 58 cm in circumference)
Hello ! I am Ola and I have terribly thick thighs, everyone tells me that they are hard, that is, muscular nobody has people like me !!! What am I supposed to do to reduce their circulation 38 in the slimmest place at the knee a 53 at the top (I also measured tailor's muscles I have them convex) help!!!!!
Hello ! I am Angelika and I have terribly thick thighs. Mam 13 years 169cm tall and 52 kg. I don't like my thighs. Please help
Hello! in my opinion, nothing gives the effect like a gym and squats with a barbell and a crane are the best exercises for nice thighs and a beautiful butt, I highly recommend.
Hello! Mam 12 lat ,height 152 cm and weighs 44 kg I would like to lose weight because my legs are thick and I don't like my thighs what should I do ,To lose weight please contact me by email plis…
Hello ! I have a problem , I don't like my legs , they are thick ; // I do not know what to do .. ; (( and I would love to look beautiful , to please my boyfriend ..
my name is sylwia 14 years old and I think that my thighs are too fat and in addition I am still wide in the hips help me look slim and have shapely thighs please!
Hi. my name is clown mom 15 lat, 170 cm tall and waze 78 kg. I'm fat and weighed 2 years ago 56 kg. I want to get back to that weight but I don't know how. I am asking for some intense exercises for the stomach, legs and butt. Thank you in advance.
Hello girls. I see, many of us have the same problem. I have 14 lat, I weigh 54 kg, I am 165cm. I'm kind of disproportionate… The mountain is slim, butt small, and big legs!:( In addition, I have so-called hyperextensions in the knees(they bend inwards which makes my legs crooked). I am already used to my calves, but I would like to lose weight very much. These exercises will help ?
Hi, I am writing to you with a rather blatant question. The point is, that since I can remember I have massive thighs (I inherited the tendency to gain weight in the hips from my mother). Visually my hips are narrow, butt sticking out but I like it. My arms are neat, flat stomach and problem with thighs only. Being on a diet, I only lose everything from the waist up, therefore my figure is even more disproportionate. From approx 10 days I started exercising on my feet. I skate every day, I massage my thighs with a massager and apply various ointments. Everything would be great but I noticed that it was on the inside of the thighs, especially when I walk, a muscle began to show. Tell me if it works like this, that first I can grow my thighs, and only then the trained muscles will burn fat and become slender?! Maybe I should give up some exercise. Thanks in advance for your help 🙂
mam 12 years and 154 meters tall, I try to quit them every morning, I do a few exercises every morning, but it doesn't help !what should I do?!!!!
mam 12 years old and 154 meters tall I weigh 50 kg I'm trying to quit them I do some exercises every morning but it doesn't help !what should I do?!!!!
mam 15 years my legs are very thin, but my muscles are strangely settled, it looks like bloated and I just put on weight and lost weight I have 15 years and it looks terrible what I could do with it .
Hey my name is Selena 14 years and 180 cm tall and waze 64 kg ;(( He has older thick thighs and I would love to get rid of them :(( I don't know how to do it, so I would like you to help him and I am ashamed to put on short shorts in front of my boyfriend and I am ashamed to show my legs :(( PLEASE HELP ME !!:((
Girls, I will tell you that each of you is beautiful. Guys have different tastes, do not pursue an ideal that does not exist!!
and as for 12 i 15 year old… after all, your body is changing! You grow up feminine shapes only come so better when you have more here and there. So what if you will be slim when the time comes that your body will start to change what form do you think I will take when you are dry..
and if there are no diets, it's stupidity and sooner or later not consulting a doctor will lead to anorexia! You will be fat forever, although you have already lost a lot of weight, it is the pursuit of an ideal that is called anorexia and it is not attractive and that is what you want to be. Just practice, swimming, running, rolls, everyone will find something for themselves 🙂 and the effects will surely satisfy you.
I have almost 14 I am 171 cm and weigh 56 kg ,my thighs have a bit of fat and my hips are not small either..
Hello. I would like to know what to do to make my thighs thinner. I am 18 years old 50 kg and I am 167 cm tall everything is fine but I have thick thighs, calves not so much but I heard that it is easier to lose excess fat from the calves. I would like to find out which exercises are the best, finally summer is coming;]
Hello. mam 15 years and 170 cm. waze 64kg. I have a big problem with my legs because holidays are coming and I will not be able to show up in a bathing suit. I would like to know what exercises to do to lose weight in a month, even with 10-15 cm . helpers ! write to the email.
I have developed muscles on my legs and I don't like it, I wish they were stingy …what am I supposed to do?
Good morning, my name is Nikola and my name is 14 years. I am a young girl ,but I don't like my legs very much I would like to change it because I think they are too fat please help